- 904-648-6488
- [email protected]
- 120 Palencia Village Dr., Ste. 105-377 St. Augustine, FL 32095-8549
Ask Carol B helps individuals, families, and those eligible for Medicare easily compare, buy and enroll in the right plan.
Ask Carol B provides free consultations about the type of insurance you need. We help you assess your needs, discuss important details you need to consider, and educate you on your options. Whether you buy from Ask Carol B or directly from the health insurance provider, you’ll pay the same monthly premium for the same plan. This means that you can enjoy the advantages and convenience of shopping and purchasing your health insurance plan through Ask Carol B and rest assured that you’re getting the best available price and someone who wants to put your needs at the center of what we do.
MEDICARE – this is our primary focus although we don’t want family members who are not eligible to be left out, so we offer under 65 insurance as well as other supplemental types.
These types of plans help pay for costs not covered or covered on a limited basis by Original Medicare, MA or MAPD plan or a Med Supp plan.
UNDER 65 – this is for individuals and families not on Medicare. We also serve small business owners with their health insurance needs. There are several types of healthcare coverage options.
These plans provide benefits for a broad range of health care services, both inpatient and outpatient, and can save you money on routine doctor visits, prescription drugs, preventative care, hospital stays, and more. These plans are available to almost everyone, and you can’t be denied based on preexisting conditions. They can be bought without going through an employer or a government-run program like Medicare or Medicaid. Plans on the health care Marketplace are categorized based on how you and your plan split the cost of your health care. They go by Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum — known as the “metal” categories.
Short term health insurance (STM), also referred to as temporary health insurance, is a type of medical coverage that is available for shorter durations of time, such as up to three months. Temporary insurance plans have more restricted coverage than major medical but also can have a lower premium. If you can’t afford a Marketplace plan or have missed the cutoff to apply, you may want to consider a short-term plan. Short-term plans do accept applications year-round, and they can help offset costs if you have a medical emergency unrelated to a pre-existing condition.
Medi-Share is a healthcare sharing ministry program administered by Christian Care Ministry, Inc. (“Christian Care Ministry” or “CCM”). Christian Care Ministry is a Florida not for profit corporation that is recognized as tax exempt under Internal Revenue Code 501(c)(3). Each month, the Members of Medi-Share contribute toward the Eligible Medical Bills of other Medi-Share Members, and are notified as to which Members their share dollars are helping. Eligible medical bills are paid with the funds of Members who faithfully share. Medi-Share is not insurance. Medi-Share is a Healthcare Sharing Ministry as outlined in the Patient Protection Affordable Care Act.
SUPPLEMENTAL INSURANCE – Supplemental insurance plans can help cover out-of-pocket costs, like deductibles, copays and coinsurance. Medical insurance doesn’t cover everything. Supplemental insurance plans can broaden your health coverage or reduce medical costs.
Individual and group dental plans are a low-cost option for those looking to supplement their major medical coverage. Dental, vision and hearing for individuals can be purchased separately or as a bundled plan.
A critical illness plan is a policy that pays the insured a lump sum following the diagnosis of an illness covered under the plan. Critical-illness plans often cover diseases like cancer, organ transplant, heart attack, stroke, renal failure, and paralysis, among others.
Supplemental accident insurance that helps with what your health insurance plan might not cover. Benefits are paid in the event of a covered injury.
Supplements your existing health insurance coverage by helping pay expenses for hospital stays. Depending on the plan, hospital indemnity insurance gives you cash payments to help you pay for the added expenses that may come while Supplements your existing health insurance coverage by helping pay expenses for hospital stays. Depending on the plan, hospital indemnity insurance gives you cash payments to help you pay for the added expenses that may come while you recover. Typically plans pay based on the number of days of hospitalization.
Short-Term Recovery Care insurance, also known as convalescent care insurance or short-term nursing facility insurance is designed to help protect you from the high and increasing costs of needing short-term care at home or in a nursing home. They generally are purchased to cover gaps in Medicare.
Covers the costs associated with treating chronic illnesses or other ailments in old age, such as at-home care for Alzheimer’s patients or nursing home costs for people unable to live alone. In addition to nursing home costs LTC covers home health care, homemaker services, respite care and memory facilities.
Final expense insurance pays for your funeral expenses, as well as any debts accumulated at the end of your life. In all probability, your children and or family will inherit other end-of-life expenses, such as the cost of probating a will, paying off a home mortgage if one exists or any expenses for your final care that were not covered by insurance. That includes outstanding nursing home costs not covered by Medicare.
Financial protection for every trip. Travel insurance protects policyholders against financial loss arising from incidents during their travels. Many health insurance policies have limitations on the types of treatment that will be covered while traveling abroad, so if you need to visit a medical facility in another country, or be evacuated to another location that can better treat you, your health insurance may not cover it.
AskCarolB puts you at the center of everything we do. As licensed agents, we will guide you through the Medicare maze at no cost. We work with the top carriers in the nation to tailor a plan that meets your needs at the lowest price available.
AskCarolB truly cares that you are protected as you age. We provide clarity and security in the choices made.
AskCarolB.com is owned and operated by Ask a Friend, Inc., and is a privately-owned website. This Website serves as an invitation for you, the customer, to inquire about further information regarding Medicare Supplement Insurance, Medicare Advantage and Prescription Drug Plans, as well as Marketplace and Ancillary Health Insurance plans and submission of your contact information constitutes permission for a licensed sales agent to contact you with further information, including complete details on cost and coverage of this insurance. Individual products and features are subject to availability and may vary by state according to the carrier’s plan options. Premiums are based on ZIP code, age, household discounts and tobacco use and are not a guarantee of cost reduction.
This is a solicitation for insurance. Although we are contracted with many carriers, this is not a complete listing of plans available in your service area. For a complete listing please contact 1-800-MEDICARE (TTY users should call 1-877-486-2048), 24 hours a day/7 days a week or consult www.medicare.gov. AskCarolB.com markets a portfolio of a wide variety of health insurance and supplemental insurance products such as on and off-exchange health, dental, vision, hearing, indemnity plans, long term care, final expenses, etc. AskCarolB.com’s quoting platforms do not include all health insurance companies or all available insurance products.