Once you’ve enrolled, you are now a member / beneficiary of a carrier. You’ll find
support for what matters, big and small. You can easily manage and find answers about
your plan on the carrier’s app or your member site / portal. Some Medicare Advantage
plans have an all-in-one card which makes it easier than ever to unlock more from your
Medicare plan.
Instead of Ucard, just put your card arrive in the mail –
Manage your plan online
If you haven’t done so already, use your member ID number and email address (for
most carriers) to create an account online. This is where you can:
Find network providers and pharmacies and view plan documents, like your Drug
List (Formulary).
Complete your Health Assessment if you haven’t already done so.
Review your card balances if your plan has OTC or other type benefits.
Once your coverage begins
Schedule your annual physical and wellness visit.
Schedule your yearly in-home preventive care visit if that is a need for you.
Set-up your prescription home delivery if that is the method you prefer to receive
your medications.
Inform your agent
If you move to a different zip code you will need to change either your Prescription
Drug Plan or your Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug Plan (MAPD) as you may
be out of your service area.
If you change your primary doctor, your agent can help you or you can call the
number on the back of your card to update your provider. This is for MA and MAPD
If your meds change significantly, you may want your agent to run a pricing of
those meds.
Have a safe and Happy New Year! Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or need
help transitioning to a new plan.
[email protected] Text: 714-930-7165 Direct: 904-648-6488 www.AskCarolB.com FL License #:
W756153 FL license # must be included